Monday, July 17, 2006


There are some people that lie to make money, which is understandable. And then there are people who lie to keep their freedom, which is also understandable. I’ve always wondered why a grown man or woman would lie for no apparent reason or gain. Now I’m not talking about the type of lying that is necessary to save a life, or to spare someone’s feelings; I’m talking about lies that benefit no one, not even the serpents telling them. For example, I’ve had relationships where the other person was lying to me and it was obvious, so to ensure my survival, I had to turn my heart cold as far as they were concerned.
I’ve also experienced the ultimate in betrayal where my so-called homeboys have lied to me and done things behind my back. The sad part is that you can’t even give cats the benefit of the doubt because these people will always be what they are — cowards. So, I don’t spend a lot of time arguing with them, or asking questions that I know they will answer with lies. I just give them enough rope to hang themselves. The beauty of it is that while their necks are stretching, most of them don’t even feel the pressure until it is too late, then snap, that’s the end of that.
So, for all the liars that have been double-talking like little two-faced broads, knowing that I haven’t done anything to them, I send out a great, big warm fuck you! This is how I handle these idiots and I encourage anyone else to do the same, because you’ll feel better. The only exception is when you need these cats for business connections or something. In this case, I would essentially milk what I could from the liar and then drop him like a hydrogen bomb. This is what they deserve, and believe me, this is what they get from me. I don’t care how old you are or what your gender is, if you cross me, I will cross you so many times you’ll think you are a street.

Don’t try to change these people; just change the way that you deal with them. If at all possible, don’t deal with them, because you can’t sling mud without getting some on you


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