Monday, July 17, 2006

Abusive Negligence

Many of us think of natural disasters as happenings of chance and people that fall victim to them as being in the wrong place at the wrong time; but what if this is not exactly the case? Let’s explore a more sophisticated reasoning. The human body is a very sophisticated combination of systems all woven together perfectly into a unit, which constitutes our physical makeup. We have a regulated temperature, body fluids distribute nutrients as well as expel waste, while our skin protects us from microbial invasion and infection keeping what’s supposed to be out, out, and what’s supposed to be in, in.

It’s theorized that everything in a given solar system is made up of matter that was flung out from that system’s star during its creation. The star exploding into life causes matter to be expelled from its mass and its gravity pulls it back in, eventually forming planets and/or planetoids. By that reasoning, any life that develops on these planets is subsequently made of the same basic materials as that of the star that governs them. Basically what this implies is that everything is connected, and all things happen for a reason even if the reasons are different than we think. For example, one might say that a forest burns down and it was God’s will and that is the reason, but I might say that real reason is an improperly extinguished campfire; because that cause and effect makes a lot more sense to me. Think of the Earth like you think of a person: a living thing that needs sustenance and care to thrive. This living thing has defenses and if it is invaded or threatened, it will demonstrate self-preservation.
I believe that all things on this plane of existence follow the same rules, even destructive hurricanes or other natural disasters. Of course, the religious explanation is probably synonymous with that of Pat Robertson, who says, “We might be in the end times” that are written about in the Bible. For all we know, this could be the truth, though I seriously doubt it.

That is the beauty of free thought — we can choose to believe what we deem to be the truth. I believe that these hurricanes are more frequent and potent because of global warming due to air pollution and ozone depletion. One thing’s for sure; if the religious explanation is right, then all we can do is accept it, while if the scientific is correct then we’d better get off our collective duffs and do something about the poisoning and abuse of our home world.

People think that Earth is here solely for them to use however they see fit, but they are wrong. I believe that humans are only welcome as long as they are beneficial to the planet, meaning that unless we really start reversing the neglect, we may find ourselves in the end times, regardless of the reason. Fin


There are some people that lie to make money, which is understandable. And then there are people who lie to keep their freedom, which is also understandable. I’ve always wondered why a grown man or woman would lie for no apparent reason or gain. Now I’m not talking about the type of lying that is necessary to save a life, or to spare someone’s feelings; I’m talking about lies that benefit no one, not even the serpents telling them. For example, I’ve had relationships where the other person was lying to me and it was obvious, so to ensure my survival, I had to turn my heart cold as far as they were concerned.
I’ve also experienced the ultimate in betrayal where my so-called homeboys have lied to me and done things behind my back. The sad part is that you can’t even give cats the benefit of the doubt because these people will always be what they are — cowards. So, I don’t spend a lot of time arguing with them, or asking questions that I know they will answer with lies. I just give them enough rope to hang themselves. The beauty of it is that while their necks are stretching, most of them don’t even feel the pressure until it is too late, then snap, that’s the end of that.
So, for all the liars that have been double-talking like little two-faced broads, knowing that I haven’t done anything to them, I send out a great, big warm fuck you! This is how I handle these idiots and I encourage anyone else to do the same, because you’ll feel better. The only exception is when you need these cats for business connections or something. In this case, I would essentially milk what I could from the liar and then drop him like a hydrogen bomb. This is what they deserve, and believe me, this is what they get from me. I don’t care how old you are or what your gender is, if you cross me, I will cross you so many times you’ll think you are a street.

Don’t try to change these people; just change the way that you deal with them. If at all possible, don’t deal with them, because you can’t sling mud without getting some on you

The Dance

There are many underlying similarities in the way that different species relate within their own groups. For example, gorillas beating on their chests or pushing down bushes to display dominance could be equated to dogs growling at one another, and marking territory. Of course, humans have all types of displays of superiority over one another, such as athletic competition, social status and economic power.
Basically what I’m saying is that every known life-form, no matter how primal, or unintelligent by human standards is able to recognize the basic rules of their society. Genetically, this means that the ones that didn’t follow the rules were probably bred out due to unsuccessful mating. When it comes to humans, however, instinct doesn’t seem to always lead us to the right choices. This doesn’t really make sense by the very definition of instinct. For this to be the case either actual instinct doesn’t exist or our decision-making process is much more complicated. I vote for the latter, because more than likely we have evolved to be so intelligent that we ignore our instincts. One thing’s for sure, the guys who play by the rules aren’t the ones that get all the women, anyway. I think that a major difference between us and other species is that our intellect has become so dominant that most of us don’t do anything without over thinking it.
Humans are about the only species that are embarrassed about romantic relationships, sex and sexuality. The lust for sexual pleasure is probably one of the strongest instincts that we possess yet we treat it like a sickness. We take all of the things about ourselves that are perfectly natural and put negative connotations on them, closing them off from discussion. This is probably a large part of the reason why humans have so many problems maintaining long and happy romantic relationships. Basically, we know the things that we should say and do for one another and to one another to make each other happy, and yet we are too stubborn oftentimes to do them. I think that this in itself is instinctive, perhaps even a failsafe against spending your whole life with the wrong person. It would explain why we tend to feel completely different about different people. I think that our intelligence has become so much of a part of what makes us—us, that it has become part of the basic human instinct to use it.

The key to a truly full and happy life is to be who you are, and we are instinctive thinkers that don’t always get it right, but as long as we stick around and keep trying, we’ll be alright.
There is a sort of rhythmic struggle between everything in the universe that balances or tends to try to balance one another, but never quite doing it, which is itself the balance.

The universe dances.