Monday, July 17, 2006

Abusive Negligence

Many of us think of natural disasters as happenings of chance and people that fall victim to them as being in the wrong place at the wrong time; but what if this is not exactly the case? Let’s explore a more sophisticated reasoning. The human body is a very sophisticated combination of systems all woven together perfectly into a unit, which constitutes our physical makeup. We have a regulated temperature, body fluids distribute nutrients as well as expel waste, while our skin protects us from microbial invasion and infection keeping what’s supposed to be out, out, and what’s supposed to be in, in.

It’s theorized that everything in a given solar system is made up of matter that was flung out from that system’s star during its creation. The star exploding into life causes matter to be expelled from its mass and its gravity pulls it back in, eventually forming planets and/or planetoids. By that reasoning, any life that develops on these planets is subsequently made of the same basic materials as that of the star that governs them. Basically what this implies is that everything is connected, and all things happen for a reason even if the reasons are different than we think. For example, one might say that a forest burns down and it was God’s will and that is the reason, but I might say that real reason is an improperly extinguished campfire; because that cause and effect makes a lot more sense to me. Think of the Earth like you think of a person: a living thing that needs sustenance and care to thrive. This living thing has defenses and if it is invaded or threatened, it will demonstrate self-preservation.
I believe that all things on this plane of existence follow the same rules, even destructive hurricanes or other natural disasters. Of course, the religious explanation is probably synonymous with that of Pat Robertson, who says, “We might be in the end times” that are written about in the Bible. For all we know, this could be the truth, though I seriously doubt it.

That is the beauty of free thought — we can choose to believe what we deem to be the truth. I believe that these hurricanes are more frequent and potent because of global warming due to air pollution and ozone depletion. One thing’s for sure; if the religious explanation is right, then all we can do is accept it, while if the scientific is correct then we’d better get off our collective duffs and do something about the poisoning and abuse of our home world.

People think that Earth is here solely for them to use however they see fit, but they are wrong. I believe that humans are only welcome as long as they are beneficial to the planet, meaning that unless we really start reversing the neglect, we may find ourselves in the end times, regardless of the reason. Fin


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