Tuesday, October 24, 2006



All my life, I've had questions that couldn't be answered in a conventional way. This is what you call an enigma..a question that no one knows the answer to. What I would like to explore in this blog is what happens after we die, and do Heaven and hell exist? I would also like to address the question of, why do we care? These are likely things that have been pondered upon for a period that stretches back as far as our recorded history goes and in all probability, even further. Of course, you couldn't address those things without addressing the most popular question in this genre of sleuthing, which is undoubtedly that of the existence of God, a higher power or whatever you as an individual identify with.

When I was a young child, I imagined heaven to be like they depicted on old TV shows. Usually there were pearly gates in the clouds seemingly suspended high in the sky, with some goofy-looking angel at the entrance with a list. Of course, hell was a pit of fire with the damned screaming and writhing in agony..and an angel at the entrance with a list. These are some pretty basic and unsophisticated ideas of the afterlife, but you might be surprised at just how common these images are. As I got older, I realized that these descriptions where pretty preposterous and I reformulated my mental image of Heaven and hell.

After I became a teenager, I eventually got around to the theory of God being an alien, which technically was easy to accept since he isn't described as being from Earth. I then hypothesized that Heaven must be another planet that existed right here in the physical universe. I thought that maybe the legend started because someone in ancient times talked to an alien life form, was told of their world, and boom..Heaven. As far as hell, maybe the aliens had enemies and described them and their planet to the ancients, and the legend of hell was born.

I'm also so tired of these fake Jesus freaks that claim they're so down with religion, and God and are always going against the values therein. First of all, I don't care about religion. Religion simply means repetition or dedication to an activity (ex: He skis religiously on New Year..s). So, when people tell me that they..re religious, I ask them about what. The key is spirituality; if you have a relationship with God, a higher power, the universe or whatever you call it, then you're spiritual. If your relationship with your creator is based upon what kind of clothes you wear, what kind of car you drive and how much money you put in the collection plate, then you're a religious sucker.

The modern North American Society is not under special care from God. Spiritual men don't kill abortion doctors, blow up gay bars or do any other types of terrorist activities. They don't go to war and risk the lives of the men and women they're supposed to call brethren over money. Lastly, they don't lie and hide behind righteousness when they know they have done wrong. These are things that work in the favor of evil.

In the end, all I can really say is keep that religious rhetoric to yourself. Don't ask me any dumb questions about turning my life over to God, making Jesus my personal savior, or submitting to the will of Allah, because you need to ask yourself those questions, and shove your religion down your own throat or wherever it fits.

Truth Be Told ; Everyone..well at least most people..believe in something or someone. The problem comes when you try to bombard people with your own truth... Fin .